Monday, August 3, 2009

Working at the Creek Wash!

So two amazing things happened yesterday:

1. It's August already! How in the hell did that happen already?!


We returned from Noosa Heads yesterday in the late afternoon. The ride back was a bit over 3.5 hours, Rylan's longest "road trip" to date. So as you can well imagine we has to employee our  imaginations to keep him busy when he woke from his nap. after singing "Old McDonald" for the 50th time I had to come up with some new lyrics. So of course the song turned into "Old McGovern" and the farm ended up being an ark because that dude had every animal known to man on it! 

Noosa was a good time. Best compared it is kind of like La Jolla or any other upscale beach town in California. The main drag was made up of little surf shops and restaurants. We walked the beach a few times and played in the sand and surf with little Ry Kai. On Saturday we spent the morning and the better half of the afternoon at the market scanning for Ugg's for Em and I and a new fanny pack for dad.  None of which we found. In the evening we returned to the beach for a stroll and an ice cream. 

We spent Sunday packing the car up and figuring out the best way to tow a dingy that Russ (Tiffany's dad) gave to Tiffany and Todd. Since Tipp could see Emlyn and I were getting bored she dropped us in town for an hour and a half where we sat and enjoyed a little breakfast in the Winter SUN! Yes, it's Winter here and I was burning up in my hoodie at 10 am. 

Upon our return home yesterday, Todd and I took a bike ride to the front of the property to give Phoebe a good run. the rest of the evening we took it easy just lounging around and watching Dexter. Emlyn finally got all of us to sit and watch the first two episodes. I am still uncertain about it, mostly because Dexter bares a striking resemblance to an unmentionable in my life and it kind of freaks my shit out!

Today was a full day for Tipp and I! I felt like a real grown up for the first time!! In the morning Tipp and I went to look at a house for her mom. Which we just found out they accepted her offer! So congrats to Jocelyn because it is a really beautiful place. 

After that we headed to the grocery store and then visited a few of her friend who are remodeling their houses. It's so funny from my perspective to watch women in their thirties trifle over what shower head goes best in their bathrooms and if the drains in the upstairs bathrooms match those in the downstairs. People my age are lucky if the two couches in the living room match let alone that there are even two couches in the living room. When we got back from our day out we washed the two cars. This is a bit difficult to describe but the best way is that the creek runs through the road so we just parked the car on the creek and washed the cars with the water running by. SO MUCH FUN! I washed the dog while I was at it!

At the moment Todd just finished giving Rylan his bath, Em and Tipp are making dinner. When Rylan did his routine naked run out of the bathroom I blasted the music and he and I had an awesome dance off!

Guess that is all for now! 

Love all you pookie readers so much,



  1. The pics are wonderful Emlyn. Keep it up. When I read the car washing episode it brought a big smile to my face, and a nice memory. Now you know what a "ford" is (and I don't mean that crap built in Michigan). Keep writing and photographing!

  2. Love reading your blogs! Sounds like you girls are having an amazing time. So many new and unusual experiences.
    And yeah, thanks for figuring out how to post photos!!!
